Daniel Medley - D-Groups

Although I did not lead a D-Group I still engaged with the D-Group program, as well as be apart other leader's D-Groups this semester. What I've learned about God this semester was the value of studying God's word as a community. Prior to the semester I still enjoyed community, however studying scripture was something I would reserve for me and God alone. I don't think that means I shouldn't have alone time with God, furthermore I've come to understand that man isn't suppose to do life alone. If I'm unwilling to share my experience of God with others, two things are happening. One, I am doing half of what God wants me to do by not sharing the good things he shows me, and two, I'm blocking myself from a whole other side of God's face. We, God's children have very beautiful view points and perspectives. I can not get caught up in the illusion that "I alone" know everything. If that illusion is true that means God's vastness is rather quite small and the humans he creates are not that unique. I think people grow through realness and vulnerability, you can not grow without being real with God. On another note, if we all created in the Image of God and God works through other people, I can not possibly believe that I can tap into the realness of others by closing my relationship with God with the people around me. I have to be willing to do life with people, just like how Jesus did life with the disciples.

D-GroupsJosh Fieldson