Ruby Estolas - Female D-Group

The words that come to mind as we've prayed for this group include; empowerment, confidence, leadership, and obedience to Jesus. Our hope for this group is to pursue God wholeheartedly, boldly encountering the deep love of Jesus so that our doing is shaped by our being.

A prayer Emilyn and I, Ruby, say as Discipleship Co-Leaders is: God, you are here and there is nothing separating you from us. We live under an open Heaven. Therefore, make us more aware of your presence. During our first meeting, we sat in Emilyn’s living room, and a member of our group expressed her desire to make the faith that she had been exposed to throughout her life, her own. We intentionally asked questions that would create opportunities for the Lord to speak to her; how have you encountered God? What is difficult about seeing the Lord in your life? We were slow and present. This woman of God was hungry to encounter God in her own life. She was rich soil. We wanted to give her seeds of the fruit that was in our life. We desired to create a climate that fostered her growth. Only God can do the growing, but we wanted to position our group to be the most available to God. One way we did this was through listening prayer. We as a group took 10 minutes to receive and write down encouragement. We shared words for one another and over this specific member. Three of us received that she holds the safe hand of Abba (father) God and that she even from childhood has been delighted in by the Lord. She experienced breakthrough from shame along with healing from her own earthly-father relationship. She went home with a more complete revelation of her identity in Jesus and the safety, comfort, and fierce love of God in her life. Such transformation grows beyond each D-Group member, exponentially expanding throughout their lives and the places and people they impact– who they are becomes further aligned with the redemption and wholeness of Jesus. - Ruby Estolas( D-Groups Intern/ DGL) & Emilyn Thorp (DGL)

D-GroupsJosh Fieldson